Issuing Dumping Permits


Offshore Oil Exploration

Lab Services

Provision of Ship Generated Waste Reception Service (WRS)


As a member country of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973/78, Sri Lanka through section 21 of the Marine Pollution Prevention Act no 35 of 2008, has given the mandate to MEPA to provide a waste reception facility to ships. MEPA provides this facility through the registered service providers who provide waste reception facilities to ships that arrive at Sri Lankan ports. Section 21 and 51 of Marine Pollution Prevention Act No. 35 of 2008 entrusted the Marine Environment Protection Authority to deal with this ship-generated waste issues. In accordance with these provisions, regulations were published in the Gazette No. 1996/27 on 06 December 2016 as the Marine Environmental Protection (Waste Reception Facilities) Regulations 2016. Accordingly, the waste reception service for the ship-generated waste is provided at all commercial ports of Sri Lanka.


  • Prevent, minimize, or control the disposal of ship generated waste into the marineenvironment.
  • Fulfill the obligatory requirements of the international convention of MARPOL 73/78.
  • Provide adequate waste reception service to ships without causing undue delay to the ships.
  • Ensure the standards of Sri Lankan ports to international level and sustainability of maritime industries.
  • Ensure the ship waste disposal operations meet national standards.
  • Generate additional income to the government.

Validity period of WRS annual registration

One calendar year from the effective date of registration.

Terms and conditions

All terms and conditions of the annual registration of service providers are published in the Gazette No. 1996/27 on 06 December 2016 as the Marine Environmental Protection (Waste Reception Facilities) Regulations 2016.

Procedure for Annual Registering of Service Providers

Following documents should be submitted and conditions should be fulfilled by a Service Provider:
  1. A copy of the certificate of incorporation issued by the Registrar General of Companies under the Companies Act, No. 07 of 2007.
  2. A copy of the license obtained for the purpose of operating within a port for the appropriate category issued by the Sri Lanka Ports Authority under the Sri Lanka Ports Authority Act, No. 51 of 1979.
  3. A copy of the clearance letter issued by the Sri Lanka Customs Department for the purpose of collecting junk from ships.
  4. A copy of the Scheduled Waste Management License issued by the Central Environmental Authority under the National Environment Act, No. 47 of 1980 for the purpose of carrying out the collection, storage, transportation, and disposal of hazardous oily waste.
  5. A copy of the permit for solid waste disposal issued by the respective local government authority or any other agency approved by the Authority.
  6. A copy of the permit for sewage disposal issued by the respective Local Government Authority or any other agency approved by the Authority.
  7. A copy of the hose testing certificate in respect of oil removing hoses issued by an ISO certified hose testing company.
  8. Particulars relating to the personnel engaged in reception operations.
  9. Particulars relating to the safety equipment which are available for the use of people engaged in Reception operations.
  10. Particulars relating to the combating equipment which are available to be used for the mitigation of accidental spillages.
  11. A copy of the report of testing and inspection of metallic tanks for transportation of hazardous material.
All companies which seek to remove ship-generated waste from ships calling at Sri Lankan ports should apply for the waste reception annual registration.

Type of Waste categories

An applicant shall apply for a registry, one or more following types of waste category/categories.
  • Oily waste- MARPOL Annex I
  • Sewage – MARPOL Annex IV
  • Garbage – MARPOL Annex V

Type of Port Apply for Registry

An applicant shall apply for one or more of the following port/ports type/types.
  • All ports
  • Colombo port
  • Galle port
  • Hambantota port
  • Trincomalee port
The application should be submitted within the period notified by the paper advertisement.

Application Procedure

Step 1: Submitting the Application
Service provider annual registration application is published in schedule II of the Marine Environment Protection (waste reception facilities) Regulations 2016. The application form could be obtained from the MEPA headquarters or district office of Galle, Hambantota, and Trincomalee within the period declared for calling applications by the paper advertisement. A duly filled application shall be submitted to the headquarters or relevant district office of the MEPA. The applicant must provide all the particulars requested in the application form and submit with the relevant copies of supporting documents for the category/ categories of waste applicant requested for registration. Application fee Rs 1500.00
Step 2: Evaluation of the Application
MEPA will evaluate the application and rest of the submitted documents and will inform documentary gaps and lapses to be fulfilled before carryout the field inspection. After completing this stage, then the application will proceed to step 3.
Step 3: Field Inspection
The inspection team of MEPA will carry out the field inspection in order to assess and ensure the details furnished in the application are fulfilling the regulatory requirements.
Step 4: Inspection Report and Approval
The inspection team will prepare an inspection report, if there are any regulatory requirements to be fulfilled, the applicant will be informed and after completing them, step 3 will proceed again. When all the regulatory requirements recommended in the applicant’s inspection report are completed, the registration will be approved and proceed to step 5.
Step 5: Informing the annual registration fee and deposit
Once the approval is granted, the applicant will be informed of the registration fee for the type of waste category and the ports that he/she applied for. The fee for annual registration is as per schedule III of the Marine Environment Protection (waste reception facilities) Regulation 2016. In addition to the registration fee, applicants should deposit Rs. 300 000.00 if the registration includes waste oil category and if not Rs.25 000.00 and maintain it during the year in which the permit is valid.
Step 6: Renewing the registration
The permit is valid for one calendar year and the re-registration application should be submitted after the relevant advertisement is published for the next year’s registration and should follow the procedure same as above mentioned steps. All the registered service providers are registered to WRS e-service with separate usernames and passwords. Application for ship waste removal permits, permit fee and charges for removal of waste oil deducted from the deposit, account balances, and all the relevant details of ship waste removal jobs could be checked by the service provider through an online system.

Procedure of Ship Generated waste Removal

Mandatory advanced notification form for waste delivery to port reception facilities for ships entering the ports of Sri Lanka
All vessels entering Sri Lankan ports must notify the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA), at least 24hrs in advance of their arrival, of the amounts of waste they are carrying and intended to discharge in the Port. This should be done by completing the Marine Environment Protection Authority Advance Notification Form for Waste delivery to the port reception facility and submitting it via an online system. Link: http://www.eservices.mepa.gov.lk/advancenotification/loadAdvanceNotification.action An advance notification form must be completed in every voyage a vessel visits Sri Lankan ports.
Waste Delivery Request
Ships (or agents acting on their behalf) must send the amount of waste they intend to land to the MEPA up to 24 hours in advance of their arrival by logging onto Link: http://www.eservices.mepa.gov.lk/advancenotification/loadWasteDisposalRequest.action and filling in the online waste disposal request form for the MEPA.
Issuing Permit for Ship Generated Waste Removal Operation
A registered service provider named by the ship’s waste delivery request shall apply for the waste reception permit for that particular ship.
Removal of Ship waste and issue Waste Delivery Certificate to Ship
With the approvals of relevant agencies, the Service Provider may remove the waste that is requested by the ship under the supervision of MEPA officials and accordingly, MEPA will issue a waste delivery certificate to the ship.
Waste Transport and Dispose
All the waste oil bowsers must first be transported to the MEPA port office for sampling, and after complete sampling, Service Provider must transport waste oil bowsers/ other types of waste loaded vehicles with the relevant agencies’ approvals from Sri Lanka Ports Authority premises to final destinations approved by the MEPA.

Issuing Dumping Permits

Issuing dumping permits through online service aims to streamline the procedure and control marine pollution more efficiently. The online system is composed of the following features.

1. Online application for the permit.

Applicants can download the application form from the web site of Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) www.mepa.gov.lk. It can be filled online and submitted with scan copies of all supporting documents to the relevant district office of MEPA through the system. Originals of the documents will be checked at the field inspection by the officers from the district office of MEPA. When the district office receives the application, a receipt will be emailed to the applicant via the system.

2. Online submission of the inspection report.

After the pre-evaluation of the application and rest of the documents, MEPA officers from the relevant district office will inspect the site, and submit the inspection report with recommendation, to the relevant Assistant Manager (AM) through the system. Finally, the application is submitted to the MEPA head office with the recommendation of AM through the system.

3. Informing the permit fee through the system.

When the committee responsible for evaluating and approving gives the approval to issue a permit, an informing letter the fee will be sent to the applicant through the system. After the applicant pays the relevant permit fee, the permit will be issued.

4. Renewing the permit.

The message will be generated and sent by the system to permit holders via a mail, one month prior to the expiration of the permit. Then he or she can start the application procedure for renewing the permit, which is the same as the application procedure for the initial permit.

5. Monitoring and reporting.

Monitoring and report generating is done continuously by the system.

Bunker License (Marine Environmental Protection)

Sri Lanka is located at a strategic location of the Indian Ocean very close to one of the main shipping routes of the world. Accordingly, there is vast potential to develop the port and shipping sector as a major revenue-generating source to the island. Bunkering is one of the main services provided to ships, calling at Sri Lankan ports and sailing through the international shipping routes.

The bunkering services are provided by private service companies. To minimize the risk of an oil spill during the bunker operations, Marine Pollution Prevention Act No 35 of 2008 has given the mandate to the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) to oversee all sea transport of oil and bunkering operations that are carried out in the territorial waters of Sri Lanka or any other maritime zone, its foreshore, and the coastal zone of Sri Lanka for the purpose of preventing of any possible pollution.

As per the provisions of the above Act, MEPA has promulgated (Marine EnvironmentalProtection) Regulations No.02 of 201, published in the Special Gazette Notification No. 1741/19of Thursday, January 19, 2012.

The Bunker (Marine Environmental Protection) licenses are issued to the bunkering companies.


  • Preventing and minimizing any accidental oil spillage during bunker operations.
  • Execution of safe bunkering operations without any accident, spillage, or leakage.
  • Ensuring the bunker vessel’s safety standards and other requirements which are in line with the international bunker standards.
  • Establishing the awareness of legal, contractual, and regulatory bunkering issues among the bunker vessels, ship owners (owners of Bunker vessels) and bunker suppliers.

Validity Period

One (01) year period from the effective date of the license

Standards and Criteria

The standards that should be maintained by bunker vessels are published in the (Marine Environmental Protection) Regulations No.02 of 2011 published in the Gazette Notification No.1741/19, of January 19, 2012.

Procedure of Issuing Bunker License

In order to carry out any bunker operation in Sri Lankan territorial waters, all bunker vessels, offshore tank farms, and bunker suppliers should apply for a bunker license.

A road tanker clearance certificate should be applied in order to commence any bunker oil operations by using Road tankers.

The application should be submitted before commencing any bunker operation.

Step 1: Application Procedure.
  • The application form for bunker operations in the territorial waters in Sri Lanka should be obtained as per Schedule I of the aforesaid (Marine Environmental Protection) Regulation No.02 of 2011.
  • Duly filled application should be submitted with a set of copies of following supporting documents.
    • The Certificate of Insurance for Pollution Liability.
    • The Bunker Facility Procedure Manual.
    • The Emergency Response Manual.
    • Copy of Ships Registry and Trading Certificates issued by the
    • Director General of Merchant Shipping, Sri Lanka.
    • Copy of the Bunker License issued by the Ministry of Petroleum and Petroleum Resources Development.
  • Application for Bunker on Facility Ashore – Schedule III
  • Application could be obtained from the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) Headquarters or its Provincial and District Offices.

Application fee Rs 1000.00

Step 2: Evaluation of the Application

MEPA evaluates the application along with the submitted documents and will inform documentary gaps and lapses, if any, to be fulfilled before carrying out the field inspection. After completing this stage then the application will proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Field Inspection

A team of officers from MEPA will carry out field inspections in order to assess and ensure the details furnished in the application and Ship Onboard Oil pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP), relevant safety and technical certificates, oil/garbage record books, checklist, and other requirements to be fulfilled to issue bunker license as per the regulations. The inspection team will prepare a report and on submission of the same will proceed to step 4.

Step 4: Inspection Report and Approval

According to the inspection report, if there are any regulatory requirements to be fulfilled, those will be informed to the applicant and after completion, step 3 will proceed again. If the inspection report is recommended, issuing bunker licenses will be approved accordingly and proceed to step 5.

Step 5: Informing the License fee

Once the approval is granted, the applicant will be informed to pay the license fee. The bunker license fee should be paid as per the Schedule V of Bunker (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No.02 of 2011.

Step 6: Issuance of the License

After the license fee is paid, the license will be issued with the signature of the authorized signatory valid for a period of not more than one (01) year.

Renewal of Bunker License

The permit is valid for one (01) year period and the application should be submitted before the date of expiry for renewal. The renewal application submission and license issuing procedures are the same as above mentioned steps 1-6.

Submission of Monthly Bunker Report

As per Section 16 of Bunker Regulation (Marine Environmental Protection), No.02 of 2011, The owner, operator, master, or agent of each bunker supply vessel, road transporter (Bunker), or any bunker storage facility shall submit a monthly list to the Authority in respect of the bunker services carried out during the preceding month on or before the fifteenth (15) day of each month. Where no bunkering services have been carried out during the preceding month, then anil list should be submitted in respect of such month.


Follow up monitoring of bunker vessel/ ashore facilities /bunker operations;

  1. Checking of Oil Record Book, Garbage Record Book, Logbook, and other relevant documents.
  2. Checking whether the Technical Certificates and Safety Test Certificates are properly validated.
  3. Checking to verify whether the SOPEP locker, and fire and other safety measures are properly updated and maintained.

Initiating Legal Proceedings against bunker vessels/ Ashore bunker facilities / bunker license holders

Legal proceedings are initiated when,

  • Vessels/Ashore facilities act in violation of any terms/ conditions stipulated in the regulations.
  • Oil or Waste is illegally discharged or escaped into the marine environment or accidental oil spills.

Legal Procedure includes the following course of actions

  • Cancellation /suspension of Bunker License
  • Filing cases in the High Court.

Issuing Marine Environment Protection License


As per the section 40 of Marine Pollution Prevention Act No.35 of 2008, any person who intends to conduct or engage in an exploration of natural resources, including petroleum or any related activity shall conform to provisions of regulations made to that effect. The first regulation which was formulated for this purpose is the Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011 and Marine Environment Protection License is a regulatory/legal tool, introduced by the above regulation.

Objectives of the Marine Environment Protection License

  • To prevent or minimize the release of discharges into the coastal and marine environment.
  • To prevent or minimize oil spill.

Validity period of dumping permit

The dumping permit is valid for two years from the effective date of the license.
  • No license granted under this regulation shall be transferable except, with the prior written approval of the Marine Environment Protection Authority, which shall be endorsed upon such license.
  • (b)   Where the transfer of a license becomes necessary, such a requirement shall be made in writing to the Marine Environment Protection Authority indicating the reasons for such request.

Procedure of issuing license

Any person engaged in offshore exploration for and exploitation of natural resources including petroleum in the exploration block in Sri Lankan territorial waters should apply for a Marine Environment Protection License.
Step 1: Submit the application
Marine Environment Protection License application is published in the fifth schedule of  Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011, published in Gazette Notification No. 1709/15 dated 07.06 2011. The application form could be obtained from the Marine Environment Protection Authority (MEPA) Headquarters. The application fee is USD 100.00 The application should be present two months prior to the commencement of exploration for or exploitation of natural resources including petroleum or two months prior to the expiration of the existing approval. Followings should be submitted with the application,
  • Discharge Management Plan Discharge management plan should be prepared in accordance with the first schedule of the Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011, published Gazette Notification No. 1709/15 dated 07.06 2011.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report Environment assessment should be carried out by a classification society approved by the Marine Environment Protection Authority.
  • Payment of the requirements.
Activity License fee (USD)
Seismic or other surveys 1000
Drilling 10 000 per well
License for any other development activity for which a license is issued by the Petroleum Resources Development Committee 25000
  • Adequate security or Insurance cover to the satisfaction of the Authority, to defray unforeseen damages.
  • Letter of confirmation issued by the Director General of Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat, confirming the identity of the applicant for the license.
In addition, the followings should be maintained;
  • Oil record book and garbage record book These should be in accordance with the third schedule of Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011, published Gazette Notification No. 1709/15 dated 07.06 2011.
  • Anti pollution record book This should be in accordance with the regulation 8 of Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011, published Gazette Notification No. 1709/15 dated 07.06 2011.
  • Valid International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate This should be in accordance with the eighth schedule of Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011, published Gazette Notification No. 1709/15 dated 07.06 2011.
Step 02: Evaluate the application
Application and other documents are evaluated to check the relevancy of issuing the license and a decision is taken on the evaluation. If the decision is to refuse to issue a license, it will be communicated in writing with the reason for refusal, within 14 days of the decision to the applicant or the licensee. If the applicant or the licensee is aggrieved by a decision communicated to them, they can appeal against such decision to the Secretary of the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Marine Environment Protection in writing, within thirty days from the date on which the decision is communicated to them.
Step 03: Issuing the license
The license should be,
  1. in such a form as specified in the Fourth Schedule of Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011.
  2. in force for a period of two years from the date of issue of the license, unless it is cancelled earlier
  3. subjected to such terms and conditions as may be specified on the reverse of the license.

Renewing of the license

The license shall be renewable upon an application made to the Marine Environment Protection Authority not less than thirty days before the expiry of such license. The application form for the renewing of the license is the same application form that is used for applying for a new license. The application fee is USD 100.00 The Authority shall renew the license if the Authority is satisfied that,
  1. the licensee has observed the provisions of the regulation and the terms and conditions of the license if any.
  2. there is no threat to the sustainability of aquatic resources as a result of renewing the license.
  3. the licensee has paid the fee.
Renewal fees
Activity License fee (USD)
Seismic or other surveys 1000
Drilling 10 000 per well
License for any other development activity for which a license is issued by the Petroleum Resources Development Committee 25000

Canceling the license

The Marine Environment Protection Authority shall cancel the license if the licensee;
  • has contravened any provision of Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011, published Gazette Notification No. 1709/15 dated 07.06 2011 or any term or condition of such license ; or
  • has been convicted of an offence under the Marine Pollution Prevention Act, No. 35 of 2008.
The applicant or the licensee, as the case may be, who is aggrieved by a decision communicated to him, may appeal against such decision to the Secretary of the Ministry of the Minister in charge of the subject of Marine Environment Protection in writing, within thirty days from the date on which the decision is communicated to him.

Legal actions against license holder

Any person who contravenes the provisions of section 40 of Marine Pollution Prevention act No.25 of 2008 or of Offshore Exploration for and Exploitation of Natural Resources including Petroleum (Marine Environment Protection) Regulation No. 1 of 2011, published Gazette Notification No. 1709/15 dated 07.06 2011 shall be guilty and legal actions are taken against him as per the section 41 of above Act.

ජල තත්ත්ව මිනුම් (නැවුම් හා මුහුදු ජලය යනදෙකම)

මධ්‍යමපරිසර අධිකාරිය යටතේ ලියාපදිංචි වී ඇති සමුද්‍රීය පරිසර ආරක්ෂණ අධිකාරියේ විද්‍යාගාරය ගාල්ල ප්‍රදේශයේ ස්ථාපිත කර ඇත.සමුද්‍රීය හා මිරිදිය යන දෙඅංශයෙන්ම භෞතික, රසායනික සහ ජීව විද්යාත්මක පරීක්ෂණ පරාමිතීන් (පහත ලැයිස්තුගත කර ඇත) මෙම විද්යාගාරයේදී පවත්වනු ලැබේ. රසායනාගාරයේ සියලු කටයුතු ISO: 17025: 2017සම්මත මාර්ගෝපදේශ යන්ට අනුකූලව සිදු කරනු ලබන අතර ඉහළ සුදුසුකම් ලත් රසායනාගාර කාර්ය මණ්ඩලයක් හරහා උසස් තත්ත්වයේ සේවාවක් ලබා දීම සඳහා SLAB (ශ්‍රී ලංකා ප්‍රතීතන මණ්ඩලය)වෙතින් ISO සහතිකය අපේක්ෂා කෙරේ. වාණිජ පදනම මත ජලයේ ගුණාත්මකභාවය සඳහා පරීක්ෂණ පහසුකම් දැනට ලබා ගත හැකිය.

 වැඩිදුර තොරතුරු සඳහා කරුණාකර අප අමතන්න.

MEPA රසායනාගාරය වාණිජ පදනම මත පහත සඳහන් රසායනාගාර පරීක්ෂණ සිදු කරයි.



ගාස්තුව ආර්.එස්.

පැයක් සඳහා සංයුක්ත සාම්පල එකතු කිරීම (පැය හයක් දක්වා) 1-6

පැය 600 ක ප් රවාහන පහසුකම් සැපයිය යුතුය

පැයකට සංයුක්ත සාම්පල එකතු කිරීම (පැය 6 කට වඩා වැඩි)

800 / පැය ප් රවාහන පහසුකම්සැපයිය යුතුය

උෂ්ණත්වය / pH / විද්යුත් සන්නායකතාව / ලවණතාව / අපිරිසිදුකම



මුළු අත්හිටුවන ලද ඝන ද්රව්ය

ගුරුත්වාකර්ෂණ ක්රමය


මීටරයකට මුළු විසුරුවා හරින ලද ඝන ද්රව්ය



මීටරයකට විසුරුවා හරින ලද ඔක්සිජන්



වර්ණාවලි ඡායාරූපමිතිකක්‍රමය



ප්රතීක ක්රමය වසා දමන්න



මනෝමිතික ක්රමය


තෙල් සහ ග්රීස්

ගුරුත්වාකර්ෂණ ක්රමය



වර්ණාවලි ඡායාරූපමිතික ක්රමය



වර්ණාවලි ඡායාරූපමිතික ක්රමය



වර්ණාවලි ඡායාරූපමිතික ක්රමය


පොස්පේට් මුළු

වර්ණාවලි ඡායාරූපමිතික ක්රමය


නයිට්රජන් මුළු

වර්ණාවලි ඡායාරූපමිතික ක්රමය


බැර ලෝහ (Fe, Cu, Ni, Ze, Pd, Hg)


1000 – 2000


අන්වීක්ෂීය ක්රමය



අන්වීක්ෂීය ක්රමය


මුළු කොලිෆෝම්



මල කොලිෆෝම්


ව්යාධිජනක බැක්ටීරියා (සැල්මොනෙල්ලා,විබ්රියෝ කොලරා)








ඊ. කෝලි